Scott Conard,


Dr. Conard’s lives at the intersection of clinical medicine, medical group leadership, entrepreneur and corporate executive, with brokerage/consultant firms and serving self-insured corporations is truly unique.

Board certified in family and integrative medicine Dr Conard has been seeing patients for over 35 years and was a Associate Clinical Professor at UTHSCD for 21 years. He has been the principal investigator in over 60 clinical trials, written many articles, and published five books on health, wellbeing, leadership and empowerment. Starting as a solo practitioner he grew his medical practice to over 510 clinicians over the next 20 years. In its final form the practice was a value based integrated delivery network (IDN) that reduced the cost of care dramatically through prevention and proactive engagement. When this was acquired by a hospital system, he became the Chief Medical Officer for a brokerage/consulting firm and an innovation lab for effective health risk reducing interventions.

Today Dr Conard works with Vistra Energy to oversee the MyHealth Clinic at their corporate headquarters where they provide full service advanced primary care. In addition he works with corporations, captives and insurance companies to improve the health of their members. Dr Conard has seen what is possible behind the scenes and in the data. Today he is co-founder of Converging Health, LLC a technology empowered consulting and services company working with at risk entities like self-insured corporations, medical groups & ACOs taking financial risk to improve well-being, reduce costs and improve the members experience.

Through Dr. Conard’s work with a variety of organizations and companies, including Dillard’s, Varsity Brands, Vistra Corp, National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions, DFW and Texas Business Group on Health, and numerous medical groups and systems he understands that every organization has a unique culture and needs. It is his ability to find opportunities and customize solutions that delivers success through improved health and lower costs for his clients.


What is the Game of Health?

The Game of Health is an 8 week course designed to add years to your life and life to your years by empowering you to take control of your life.  It focus on seven key factors in your health, and helping you overcome whatever is holding you back. You will meet in a group setting each week led by your provider. 


Nutrition for All Ages

Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis.

Primary Care

Joint Pain Relief

Sed ut perspiciatis, unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis.

We’re Here Whenever You Need Us



Option 1

Open Hours

Mon – Tue: 7AM – 4PM
Wed – Thu: 7AM – 3:30PM
Fri: 7AM – 12:30PM
Sat – Sun: Off


1975 W. John Carpenter FWY Irving, Texas 75063